Larry Bridgesmith, FIILPM LPP Councillor, United States Larry Bridgesmith J.D., is CEO of LPM Alignment and Legal Alignment LLC and listed as one of America’s Best Lawyers, among the Leading Lawyers for American Businesses and SuperLawyer. He is a member of...
Aileen Leventon, FIILPM LPP Aileen Leventon,FIILPM LPP United States Aileen Leventon is an adviser on value creation, beneficial economic results, efficiency, client service delivery and risk management. She is known for supporting those who seek to effect change...
Caitlin Moon, FIILPM LPP Councillor, United States Caitlin “Cat” Moon is a fifth generation lawyer and spent 18 years working with start-ups as a legal and strategic counselor. From these clients, she learned the process and benefits of agile project management and...